Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Jessica Lall

Enough has been said in the media, and enough on blogs.

Again, I wont say much. Just express a lil bit...

This is what I wrote for Mayabhushan

700 courts in 4 metros get computers*.
I wonder, will they still support the looters?
The goons have become the police's pal,
Justice once again murdered Jessica Lall

*Link : http://www.indlawnews.com/7AA41C66AF5C91E0797A58C1879E04CB

Tags :

Edit : This is the link for signing the petition seeking retrial in the Jessica Lall case.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

First Cut : IE 7

Just intalled IE 7 Beta 2.0

On the first go, the tag concept, as was being predicted, has been incorporated in IE7. Also there is a feed reader. This is how it looked for A Saucerful Of Secrets :

So we have tags, we have a feed reader and what else ?

Noticed a small button at the right hand bottom of the window, there is a zoom tool. This is something which was much lacking in the browsers available. This is really useful for fonts which need you to been an inch away from the screen, at the same time for big fonts and images.

The classic menu of "File Edit View Favourites Tools Help" has been made optional. This is a good move, but alas, we are dead addicted to it. I also noticed that our dear old shortcuts like "Ctrl - F" and "V" and "C" make the classic menu come alive and it is hidden again once you are through. This means more browsing space!

A Star button at the top left corner lets you organize feeds and favs. The interface here is good, as the good ol' "History" button has been done off.

A new option is available for Quick Tabs, enabling to view many tabs on a single screen. This is great! Good Work here, IE Team

The last open tab has a quick link on its left, very very conviniently placed to quickly open new tabs, and very close to it is the stragetically placed Home Page button. Nice work there, for lazy bums like me.

The concept of flocking all the print options in a single print button is cool, removes extra buttons and options.

The search bar is same as of Firefox. Nothing new in there. Yeah there is something old, of course, the MSN search option.

Edit: And it seems a bit more faster!

A free developer friendly browser, and a less of monopoly. Can't really say its better than FireFox, but still, its good!

Overall 7/10.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

PayPal's got a new Pal

According to Wall Street Journal, Google is building its own internet payment service...

Seems PayPal's got a new Pal...
